My New Year's resolution :: To capture one image for each day in 2011. I will record them here and at the end of the year compile these images into a book that will chronicle our lives and hopefully serve as keepsakes for years to come.

My inspiration :: This creative mama

February 8, 2011

february 7 :: diego

We had the pleasure of bringing home Alex's class pet, a guinea pig named Diego, for the weekend.  Since Alex was a little under the weather we even got to keep him an extra day.  The boys had a good time feeding him, watching him and even eating dinner with him.  Luckily there has been no talk of our own pet just yet.

february 6 :: mutiny

We went over to our friends' house for Super Bowl Sunday and had a great time.  Not only do they have an awesome open living/dining space perfect for large gatherings but they've also got a dungeon basement where the kids can wreak havoc play.

February 7, 2011

february 5 :: double take

This is what I saw when I peeked in on Avery a few minutes into his morning nap.  At first I thought he was goofing around and then I realized he actually fell asleep like this!

february 4 :: pajama party

Tonight Alex had his first overnight at daddy's house so it was just Avery and me.  We met up with a friend for some dinner and shopping and while he passed out instantly upon hitting his car seat, he decided we needed a little quality time before bed once we got home.

february 3 :: thank you

Today was Alex's day to be snack helper at school.  That means he brings the snack for his entire class and also helps his teacher serve it to his classmates.  He must have done an extra good job today because he was so proud of his snack helper thank you that he had to come home and put it straight on the refrigerator.  It's so cute to see his little sense of pride show.

february 2 :: rare occurrence

You can't tell from the picture but there's a fire burning in the fireplace.  Not a regular occurrence around here if you couldn't tell but it was getting down to 24 degrees!  If I didn't know any better I might think it's actually winter.

february 1 :: there it is

This is what you get whenever you ask "where's your nose?"  Can you sense my eye rolling?

On a side note, my baby is sitting in a booster seat here.  He's growing up so fast...

February 5, 2011

january 31 :: splash

When I picked him up from school I noticed he was wearing his "extra" clothes which he had obviously put on himself (notice the inside out shirt).  Being fairly new to the hole potty trained thing I just assumed he'd had an accident at nap time and didn't say anything.  We were headed to an appointment and I noticed his pants were caked in mud at which point I thought "gee I wish he weren't wearing his extra pants or I'd put those on him."  Then at second glance I realized those were actually the pants he'd had on this morning.  So same pants, different shirt.  "Alex what happened to your shirt?"  "I fell in the toilet."  Ummmm...  He said this so matter of factly it took a second to register.  Surely my son who can't even bear to dribble water on his shirt without squealing didn't just tell me he fell in the toilet like it was nothing.  As he went on to tell me what happened I was literally choking back laughter at the image of him, rear end wedged in the toilet bowl with his feet kicking out over the rim.  He insisted he got himself out and was very proud of the fact that he didn't even get his pants or undies wet!  I still can't believe this all went down without so much as a whimper or whine out of him but based on the blank faces of the teachers I've asked that must truly have been the case.  Who'd have thought?

january 30 :: where's Avery?

Meet Avery's entourage.  Every time he goes to sleep he must have at least some of these items -- always the blanket, always one or more of the stuffed animals, usually a cup, and almost always a board book (though not pictured here).  The funny part is when he wakes up and I go to get him out of his crib.  Before exiting he must hand me each item one by one until sometimes my arms are so full I have no room left for him!

january 29 :: boys in a basket

The boys entertained themselves for quite some time with that laundry basket on this morning.  All the tile in the house makes for a quite a fun ride.

january 25 :: splash guard

Thank God for shower curtain liners.  Otherwise I'd probably have to wear a bathing suite to bathe my kids!

january 24 :: pearly whites

Latest obsession?  Tooth brushing.  20 times a day for a good 20 minutes at a time.  If ever I can't find him there's about a 90% chance he's at the bathroom sink waiting for me to get him some toothpaste.

january 23 :: helping hand

I realize it looks like this could be a case of big brother taking advantage of little brother's unfortunate position of being strapped to a chair but I assure you it's not.  These kids have an unnatural love for yogurt and more specifically the conveniently packaged "gogurt" variety, however the little one hasn't quite grasped the concept of pushing the yogurt up from the bottom.  So usually I have to stand by with a pair of scissors and cut the packaging away one inch at a time as he eats it.  This time however I happened to walk out of the room and returned to see this.  So sweet.

january 22 :: all tuckered out

This was a two birthday party day.

February 3, 2011

january 21 :: little helper


This guy is all about helping with grown-up tasks these days.  Vacuuming.  Doing the dishes.  Checking the mail.  Driving home (only from the mailbox of course).  On this particular morning we had to stop for gas on the way to school and no way was I going to get off with just a quick fill up.  But what's a few extra minutes when we're talking Preschooler pride?  Oh, and yes he is wearing his jammies.  To school.  'P' was the letter of the week so of course they had to finish it off with a Pajama Party.